Monday, 27 June 2016

Adventures: Minnamurra Rainforest

The other month I went to the Minnamurra Rainforest located in Budderoo National Park, which is around 20 minutes west of Kiama. It seems rather odd to have lived so close to it for all of my life but never actually visited. It was a great day walking around the forest (one of my favourite places) despite my realisation for how unfit I am... I think I stopped on more than half of the benches there for a sit-down and snack break but that was fine because I had more time to admire the view.

The Falls Walk is 4.2km return and the time suggested is 1-2 hours however I feel as though my walk was towards the longer end of the spectrum. The walking track grade is 2, meaning that 'no bushwalking experience is required, the track is a hardened/compacted surface that may have gentle hill sections and occasional steps'. Perfect for me! (Even though I still struggled, if I'm real with you).

I suggest packing water and food because there is nothing more I wanted to do when I reached the waterfall than sit down, relax, and eat. The waterfall really is worth the (hard work) walking, even though it isn't spectacularly gigantic or anything, it is still really nice. I'd love to go when it's raining one day because I think it would be incredible. I love the rain and I think the rainforest would look so beautiful and lush.

I am so glad I didn't bother straightening my hair or anything because it went frizzier than usual! It also got a bit chilly so I'd advise not to wear anything that will make you too warm or too cool. At some parts of the walk I wished I wore my jeans because my legs were freezing, but at other times I was glad to have worn my shorts because when you reach the hills you really start to warm up and break out a sweat. I also took my polaroid camera and sadly only one photo out of five developed. I'm not quite sure why; the lighting was on the correct dial but nevertheless I wasted a lot of films that day (and film is expensive) so if you're wanting to take photos when you go then don't just rely on your polaroid!

This post is a part of a new series, Adventures, where I will talk about places I've been to, what I did there and share photos. I'm looking forward to sharing more adventures with you! 


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